The Jerk vs The Amazing

Do you know these two people? Do you work with them? Are they your customers?

Editor’s note: I was eating dinner the other night at a restaurant with some friends and I was struck by the abrasive and rude nature of the table seated near us. I felt really bad for the waitress. These people were obnoxious, antagonistic and just plain offensive…boggles the mind how some people can go through life not knowing they are a jerk (let alone a whole table of them!) and treating people horribly.

The Jerk
The Jerk has the ability to suck the lifeblood out of you like a vampire. You can recognize The Jerk because he will be the person in a meeting, or the very rare customer, who meets every recommendation and suggestion that you make with obnoxious confrontation, condescension, and antagonism.

I am not sure about you, but I find that when I have this individual around that it’s awfully difficult to produce big ideas or provide ‘beyond expectation’ customer service.

The Amazing
The Amazing is not always easy to find, but they are the type of person we hope to surround ourselves with.

They might not always agree with you, or approve of your business practices.

The Amazing will certainly provide constructive criticism, but she will try to improve upon what you have done and encourage you to do better.

The Amazing wants you to be a change agent and trusts that you have the skills to do so.

Certainly, you know better than me, and I am not sure if it’s been scientifically proven, but I have a funny feeling that the type of people you come into contact with on a daily basis has a direct correlation on your productivity, creativity, and happiness.

Spend more time today with The Amazing and I have no doubt you will be doing great things.

image source: Vaguely Artistic

One thought on “The Jerk vs The Amazing

  1. Enjoyed this article.Well written and a hopeful piece.
    It;s all about elevating our conciousness to be gracious and positive, while dealing with the everyday mundane..find the magic and the amazing..yes.

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