Small Business Owners – You are going to have THOSE days

struggle Yesterday I had what could quite possibly qualify as the worst run I have EVER had in my life. Not very good timing considering I  have an Olympic distance triathlon in about a week and a half.

Why am I discussing this?

If you own a small business, sooner or later you’re are going to have what I like to call —

One of THOSE days!

Something breaks, a customer hollers at you, a staff member up and quits, or perhaps you discover you owe an extra $500 on your taxes.

And before you know it, you feel like you are at the bottom of a 60 foot well trying to scratch and claw your way to the top. Even a polite smile at a customer seems impossible.

Luckily, the very days do not come around all that often but when they do, watch out. Of course, since you are the business owner you can’t just call in sick, hide your head under a desk, or quit.

What to do?

Here are ten suggestions to help you to get through THAT day:

1. Breathe – I am not a big fan of guru mumbo jumbo, but I have found that if I take a little break and take some deep breaths (holding it in and exhaling slowly) that I am able to relax and get back on track.

2. Task completion – focus on a small task that is easy to get started on and finish it.

3. Positive energy – get on the internet and read some positive reviews of your business on Yelp, TripAdvisor, or other…Likewise, you could send out some sincere email thank you notes to your best customers.

4. Time away – you can’t quit (you’re the owner :-)) but you can allow yourself to take an afternoon off.

5. This too shall pass – remember that everything is temporary and you will survive.

6. Customer service – provide a customer with an amazing deal or over the top customer service experience, their happiness is bound to infect you.

7. Feed the belly – sometimes all you really need is a good meal. Order your favorite food for lunch or dinner and eat it away from the chaos.

8. Exercise – not always an option, but try to get out for a brisk half hour walk to clear your head. Or, if you’re so inclined, get on your bike or go for a run!

9. Music matters – put on your favorite song or artist and set it to ‘loop’ on the iPod if you have to.

10. Fake it – I never thought that I would recommend this option, but I watched an interview with Hillary Biscay, one of the top IronMan triathlon distance athletes, and she said that when you’re having a tough day on the course (or in your small business), “sometimes you have to fake it till you make it and just get through the day.” She recommends putting a smile on your face, sucking it up, and at the very least act as if you are having an amazing day.

No matter what type of day you’re having, always (ALWAYS) try to remember that every interaction counts no matter how small or insignificant you think it might be.

What do you suggest? How do you get through tough days?

image source: Dyanna

13 thoughts on “Small Business Owners – You are going to have THOSE days

  1. I’m having one of those days today!

    I agree with putting on my favourite music, definately!! And having a little dance where possible.

    I also just made myself fried egg on toast, which cheered me up immensely.

    I am also looking forward to the exciting things that I have coming up. Keeping focused on the good things help me gather my thoughts & keep on going.

    I also like to vent. I sent my mum a text message at work asking if she could call me when she had a free minute, just having a little whinge at her made me feel better. In her words ‘sometimes you just have to vent your spleen’.

    Ironic that this post came today really ;)

  2. Yesterday = one of those days. I practice acceptance (generally after a few hours of cussing) and detachment. Recognizing a crappy day just is the reality. Once I’m calm, I start to ask how I can learn from it – where’s the lesson? Love the column!

  3. Hi Mark,
    I think this one:
    4. Time away – you can’t quit (you’re the owner :-)) but you can allow yourself to take an afternoon off.
    is one of the simplest and most often ignored strategies for getting perspective and giving yourself a break.

    Should be done on a regular basis. I find Friday afternoon’s are good.


  4. Good advice, thanks, it can help stop one of those days, turning into one of those weeks! Look at the day for what it is, just one day in a life made up of many (hopefully!) this too shall pass is a cliche, but true,a bad day always passes. The advice to take time off is good, because it can be so tempting to think you have to be at your station 24/7 when you own the business, I find jumping on the cross- trainer, with some great music pumping out makes me feel 10 times better! Or, if that’s not your thing, a good laugh always helps! Stick on your favourite comedy dvd (I love Lee Evans) and have a laughter break. :)

  5. Hi Samantha – fantastic suggestions! Thank you for the added input. I’m a huge fan of exercising to relieve the stress of a bad day.

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